Eight reasons why Impaq is the best choice as curriculum provider

In our previous article, we looked at how to choose a curriculum provider and what Impaq offers in that regard. In this article, we are looking at Impaq as a provider of preference within the community and the home education learning environment.


  1. Impaq is the biggest curriculum provider to home and distance education learners. Our annual growth in homeschool learners of more than 20% over the past two years shows that we are trusted in South Africa and abroad.
  2. Impaq clients have a variety of packages to choose from, such as full packages (containing lesson material and assessments), as well as assessments-only packages (where learners can use their own books). The different packages enable homeschool learners and parents to make their own choices when it comes to their learning journey.
  3. Impaq cares about learners’ social and cultural development by offering events such as eisteddfods and formal matric farewells.
  4. Impaq cares for the community by supporting a school in a disadvantaged neighbourhood with supplies, training and renovations.
  5. Impaq offers the national curriculum in blended learning format, where learners can choose to go the e-books route or use hard copies, supplemented by technology.
  6. Impaq strives to develop homeschool learners’ critical thinking skills, enabling them to form their own opinions and develop their learning and vocational pathways to prepare learners for the real world.
  7. Impaq cares for learners with learning barriers by having a team of academic experts with an educational psychologist to consider the applications to obtain assessment accommodations and exemptions. We also offer a SACE-accredited Reader and Scribe course to ensure that those learners get the best support.

No wonder that Impaq learners were the examination board’s top achievers and that Impaq’s NSC learners performed better than the examination board averages.


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