How to improve your matric results

You just received your matric results and they weren’t what you expected. Maybe you didn’t get the required marks to receive a National Senior Certificate (NSC). Or, you got your NSC, but you didn’t achieve the symbols required to apply to the tertiary institution or course of your dreams. Luckily, you have a few options when it comes to improving your matric results.

Ask for a remark

While a remark can’t guarantee that your results will improve, it is an option to consider. Especially if you feel that the examination went well only to be disappointed by your results. You may only apply for the remark in a subject if the mark for the subject is within 3% of a higher symbol, e.g. 37%, 57%, or 77%.

Learners registered with SACAI (including Impaq learners) will have to apply for a remark (complete re-assessment of your paper) before 15 January 2020. Fees for the remark of scripts are R411 per subject (including VAT). Instructions for how to apply for a remark will be sent to Impaq learners via email and will also be provided on the reverse side of the 2019 NSC Statement of Results.

Register for the supplementary examinations

To improve your results or complete outstanding results, you can register for the supplementary examination on SACAI’s portal between 1 and 15 January. You need to meet the following criteria to register:

  • If you did not meet the minimum promotion and certification requirements in the Final NSC Examination, you may register for the supplementary examination in a maximum of two subjects in the year following the Final NSC Examination.
  • You can only register for the same subjects you were registered for during the previous November Examination and you should have achieved more than 25% in the relevant subject/s during the Final NSC Examination.
  • If you could qualify for admission to a higher education institution, a specific faculty or occupation, but do not meet the requirements, or if you are one requirement short of meeting the minimum admission requirements, you may be allowed to register for a maximum of two subjects. You need to provide documentary evidence from the specific higher education, faculty or occupation.
  • If you missed an examination with a valid reason (medically unfit, death in the immediate family or other special reasons), you may register for the supplementary examinations in those subjects. You need to provide documentary proof substantiating the reason for your absence.
  • If you missed one or more papers in the November Examination with a valid reason, you may apply for permission to write supplementary examinations only for the outstanding papers or to write all the papers of the particular subject. A written report must be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer of SACAI by the head of your educational institution. You need to provide documentary proof substantiating the reason for your absence.
  • If an irregularity is being investigated, you may be granted provisional admission to the supplementary examination, pending the outcome of the investigation.

Please note that only online applications will be accepted. Supplementary examinations cost R1 165 per subject (including VAT). No refunds will be made for payments received, for remark, viewing or supplementary application.

You can improve or repeat your Grade 12 through Impaq. If you want to improve your results in one or more subjects, you can apply through Impaq to:

  • Repeat your portfolio and Final Examination
  • Repeat only the Final Examination (terms and conditions apply)

Plus, you don’t have to be an Impaq learner to qualify. If you went to a public or private high school or received your matric certificate through a distance learning provider, you can still apply to redo your matric subjects through Impaq. To register, you must have had a sitting for the Final Examination. (Please note: Terms and conditions apply.)

Once you’ve applied and been accepted, Impaq will register you with SACAI to ensure that you receive your new (and improved) National Senior Certificate (NSC) after passing the Final Examination for the rewritten subjects.

If you want to repeat your portfolio and the Final Examination, you need to register with Impaq before 18 February 2020. Applications to repeat only the Final Examination close on 24 April 2020. Send an email to for more information.

Improve your matric results through Impaq

George Tozana, a 23-year-old from Zimbabwe, improved his Grade 12 results through Impaq. He shares his inspiring #Impaqimpact story below:

“I had written my matric but unfortunately I had to supplement one subject. I couldn’t write the subject as I had already gone back to my home country, Zimbabwe. Impaq became such a great help in solving that problem by allowing me to do distance education.”

George adds that Impaq also provided the resources he needed to complete his studies and provided an online programme where he could check his progress up until writing his examinations in South Africa.

“This has impacted me in a positive way and makes learning easier and more convenient regardless of where you are from.” George says that his grades have skyrocketed. “I totally believe in Impaq and will definitely recommend it to anyone. Thanks to Impaq I can achieve my dream.

Related: Impaq’s top achievers share their advice

Last year, Impaq gave 19-year-old Jade Prince a second chance at improving her matric results. After being disappointed with her results for Mathematics and Physical Sciences she registered with Impaq to redo these subjects.

Jade’s mother, Elouise, says that she would recommend Impaq to anyone who needs to improve their matric results. “I would like to thank Impaq from the bottom of my heart for giving my child another chance. At Impaq, you and your child are not just numbers. They really put your child’s future first.”

Please note: The information given above was correct at the time of publication. Impaq will not be held liable if the information is incorrect or has changed. We encourage you to visit SACAI’s website for the latest details.

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