Success stories from past and current learners


Success stories from past and current learners


Danika Chetty

Impaq alumnus
Danika Chetty was one of our top achievers in 2022. She joined Impaq in 2020 as health complications disqualified her from being able to participate in mainstream schooling. “Impaq has helped me in my journey by providing me with a schooling option that allowed me to succeed, complete my matric and achieve results that I am proud of.” Danika says that Impaq also equipped her with skills that will make managing tertiary studies and work life easier. “What I liked most about homeschooling is that it provided me with a schedule that enabled me to discover what my passions and dreams are and the time to start pursuing them.”

Chantelle Visser

Impaq alumnus
Chantelle Visser was one of our top achievers in 2022. She joined Impaq in 2013 when her family moved to a remote farm. She says that she loved working at her own time and pace. “The high-quality work helped me to always push myself to do better”. When asked what she wanted to do in ten years time, Chantelle said: “I want to be working happily on a farm, using my knowledge from Agricultural Management Practices and Agricultural Sciences from Impaq as a foundation.”

Talulah Jones

Impaq alumnus
Talulah Jones joined Impaq in 2021 when COVID-19 restrictions made it difficult for her to get to school. “Distance education has taught me self-discipline as both my parents worked full-time, and it was up to me to educate myself. I think this might stand me in good stead as I navigate life after school as I know how to motivate myself.” Talulah was one of our top achievers in 2022.

Ester Bieseman

Impaq alumnus
Ester Bieseman was one of our top achievers in 2022. She joined Impaq in 2020 by registering only for a single subject (Engineering Graphics and Design). In 2021, Ester switched all her subjects to Impaq after seeing how reliable and organised our lesson material is. “Starting work with Impaq really reduced my stress levels. I no longer had to worry whether I was on track with my studies. I could easily check my progress, find out what I still had to do, get through it, and still have time to test myself.” Ester says that she always felt ready for tests and exams. “I have an enormous variety of resources, help is right at my fingertips, and I can set my working pace (provided that I meet deadlines).”

Aliyah Ayob

Impaq alumnus
Aliyah Ayob joined Impaq in 2020 as her mom wanted her to be able to do her schooling at her own pace, without pressure. “Studying through Impaq has not only given me a safe learning environment, but it has made me independent and better able to cope with the structure of university life, where students are required to take their education into their own hands.” Aliyah also credits Impaq with helping her overcome her social anxiety. “I was able to go out and interact with people when I decided to, and over time I grew more confident as I was not forced to do so like I would have been in an actual school,” she explains. Aliyah was one of our top achievers in 2022.

Sindisiwe Rangaza

Impaq learner
Sindisiwe Rangaza attended a rural pre-school and struggled to adjust in Grade 1. She particularly struggled with learning English and Afrikaans. Her mother, Patricia, bought Impaq’s reading books to help her daughter develop her reading skills. Patricia says that the Impaq books made learning fun and easy. Sindisiwe has since developed a love for reading and writing and is doing well in learning to speak English and Afrikaans. Before buying the Impaq books, Patricia struggled to keep Sindisiwe busy during the school holidays, but now she is reading up a storm.

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