Critical Enrolment Information

You will need the following:

We are excited to be part of your learning journey. The information contained herein forms part of the Impaq Terms and Conditions and is relevant to all learners in the FET Phase (Grades 10 to 12). Please note that all dates are subject to changes by the assessment body, SACAI.

By when should I register?

Grade 10 to 12 applications must be submitted no later than  16 February 2024. The academic year starts in January, with the first compulsory test series taking place in March. Registrations are subject to approval. Late registrations may be allowed but will be subject to the terms and conditions for late registrations. Tests and exams must be written under the supervision of an Impaq-approved invigilator according to the set timetable(s). Learners will receive a zero (0) mark if no marks are available for tests and/or examinations from the previous school or institution.

Late registration will not be accepted as a valid reason for absenteeism from any test or examination sitting.


Application submission deadline

Important Information

10 and 11
22 July 2024
  • An up-to-date, valid* report card from the previous educational institution is required.
  • Applications are subject to approval.
31 May 2024
  • An up-to-date, valid* report card from the previous educational institution is required.
  • Proof of registration with an assessment body is required.
  • Applications are subject to approval by SACAI.

* A report card is valid when issued by a registered educational institution (with an EMIS number).

Please note that the abovementioned registration dates are provisional dates and may change subject to confirmation from the assessment body, SACAI.


10 AND 11

Application submission deadline
22 July 2024

Important Information

  • An up-to-date, valid* report card from the previous educational institution is required.
  • Applications are subject to approval.



Application submission deadline
31 May 2024

Important Information

  • An up-to-date, valid* report card from the previous educational institution is required.
  • Proof of registration with an assessment body is required.
  • Applications are subject to approval by SACAI.


Approximately 2 hours per week
Approximately 1 hour per week
Approximately 30 minutes per week

The registration process

There are two ways in which learners can register for the upcoming academic year, depending on whether their end-year report card is available at the time of registration. Please see more information about the registration process below:

1. Registering with the end-year report card

Step 1: Submit the application.
Step 2: Upload the successful end-year report card and the other required documents.
Step 3: Pay the deposit (once you receive the quote from Impaq).
Step 4: Once the deposit has been paid (including all outstanding amounts from the previous year), send the proof of payment to
Step 5: Books (where applicable) will be dispatched and access to the online platforms will be provided.

2. Registering without the end-year report (provisional approval)

Step 1: Submit the application.
Step 2: Upload the successful Term 2 report card and, where applicable, report cards from previous years as well as the required documents
Step 3: The registration will be provisionally approved*.
Step 4: Pay the deposit (once you receive the quote from Impaq).
Step 5: The system will show that the learner is registered. This registration is provisional and depends on the submission of the final successful end-year report card.
Step 6: Books (where applicable) will be dispatched and access to the online platforms will be provided.
Step 7: Final approval will be granted only if the final successful end-year report card is submitted.
Please note: provisional approval can allow for the application to be processed and for books to be sent to the learner, but the registration will not be finalised unless the final successful report card is submitted to This means that you will not be able to receive a report card for this academic year if all the documents have not been submitted by 16 February 2024. Terms and Conditions apply.

Should the final Grade 10 report card (for Grade 11 registrations) and the final report cards for Grades 10 and 11 (for Grade 12 registrations) not be received by the deadline as per above, the registration will be cancelled by Impaq. Registration for the relevant academic year will not be possible without a valid report card.

With which assessment body will I be registered?

  • All Grade 10 to 12 Impaq learners are registered with the South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute (SACAI), the assessment body for distance education. SACAI is quality assured by Umalusi, who issues the National Senior Certificate (NSC) to all learners who successfully complete their high school careers.
  • It is important to know that even though the DBE and IEB are both assessment bodies that are also accredited by Umalusi, SACAI does not always follow the same calendar as the other assessment bodies or make the same changes to the curriculum.
  • Registration with Impaq and SACAI means that you are enrolling for distance education.

Can I register with impaq if I did not previously follow the CAPS curriculum?

  • Yes, but if you want to register with Impaq for Grade 11, you may be required to write an entrance examination.
  • A certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) is required to qualify for the entrance examination, confirming the equivalency of the report from the previous institution.
  • The application is subject to approval by Impaq and SACAI.

Will I be able to change subjects?

You need a minimum of seven (7) subjects to successfully pass your Grade 10, 11 and 12 years. You can change a subject, but the changes are subject to approval.

Subject changes constitute the cancellation of the registered subject and the immediate registration of a new subject in the place of the subject to be cancelled. In the FET Phase, subject changes are dependent on statutory regulations and approval from the assessment body, SACAI. Changing the language medium for a subject still constitutes a subject change as the lesson material (where applicable), online platform and assessments must be amended and changed to the newly chosen language. All terms related to subject changes apply to language medium changes.

Cancellation of a subject without the registration of a new subject constitutes the full cancellation of the subject, and the terms as described in clause 2 of the Cancellation and Returns policy apply. Cancellation of a subject may lead to a learner not meeting the requirements to successfully complete their academic year.


Maximum Changes

Application Deadline

Payment deadline*

Important Information

23 June 2024
30 June 2024
Subject to approval. No subject changes will be approved during the June examination.
24 March 2024
31 March 2024
Subject to approval. No subject changes will be approved during the June examination.
09 December 2024
15 December 2024
Subject to approval. Subject changes will only be approved in exceptional circumstances.



Maximum Changes:
Application Deadline:
21 June 2024
Payment deadline*:
28 June 2024

Important Information

  • Subject to approval.
  • No subject changes will be approved during the June examination.



Maximum Changes:
Application Deadline:
25 March 2024
Payment deadline*:
28 March 2024

Important Information

  • Subject to approval.
  • No subject changes will be approved during the June examination.



Maximum Changes:
Application Deadline:
08 December 2023
Payment deadline*:
15 December 2023

Important Information

  • Subject to approval.
  • Subject changes will only be approved in exceptional circumstances.
Changing the language of instruction, for example, from CAT to RTT, will not be considered a subject change but rather a language change. Additional costs may apply. Direct any queries to before applying for a subject change.

*Please note: if the new subject is not registered and paid for after the change was made, the learner will not have the required number of subjects to pass the grade.

What should I know before considering a subject change?

Familiarise yourself with the requirements for each subject before considering a change.

You can find the subject requirements document here.

For a subject change not to affect your school-based assessment (SBA) mark, you must have complied with all requirements of the subject that is being cancelled before the change can be made, and you will need to comply with these requirements for the new subject from the date that the subject change is made.

In addition to standard subject changes, a change from any subject on the left to the corresponding subject on the right is also seen as a subject change:



Afrikaans Huistaal
Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal
English First Additional Language
English Home Language
Mathematical Literacy
Consumer Studies
Hospitality Studies

What if I want to take more than seven subjects?

  • If you would like to take more than the seven (7) required subjects, you must complete all the required work (including portfolio work) from Grade 10. Only two (2) additional subjects are permitted.
  • You may not register for an additional subject for the first time in Grade 11 or 12.If you have already sat for the National Senior Certificate examination (Grade 12), two additional subjects are allowed.
  • The Grade 10 and 11 materials for the subjects must be acquired and worked through to provide the learner with an understanding of each subject’s fundamental principles. Only Grade 12 assessments and SBA components need to be completed.

Can I take subjects through another institution?

  • Impaq does not facilitate any arrangements or fees for subjects not taken through Impaq.
  • Ensure that the institution selected follows the CAPS curriculum and make the necessary arrangements with SACAI. We do not recommend that learners register with more than one examination board as it might result in clashes in the examination timetable.

Can I complete more than one grade in one academic year

No. In the FET Phase, learners are required to complete one grade successfully before progressing to the next grade.

What do I need to know about tests and examinations?

Follow the timetables

All Grade 10 and 11 tests and examinations, as well as Grade 12 tests, June, and preliminary examinations, must be written according to the timetables that Impaq provides.

You need an Impaq-approved invigilator for examinations, excluding the final Grade 12 NSC examination

  • It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to appoint an invigilator. Impaq does not provide a list of Impaq-approved invigilators.
  • Invigilators cannot apply directly with Impaq. Applications must be submitted by the legal guardian/account holder.
  • The rules and regulations for tests and examinations must be strictly followed.
  • Any deviation may lead to the learner receiving a zero (0) mark.

What do I need to know about the final grade 12 NSC examination?

  • SACAI, the assessment body for distance education, issues the National Senior Certificate (NSC) and administers the final examination at the end of your Grade 12 year. You will need an identification document/passport/study permit (not a birth certificate) to write the NSC examination.
  • Please ensure that your full names, ID number, date of birth and residential address is correct and updated on my.Impaq. The GPS coordinates for the candidate’s residential address should correspond with the address provided on the system.
  • SACAI establishes examination centres, subject to approval by Umalusi. Centre allocation is dependent on a candidate’s residential address, the capacity of the venue, candidates’ subject choices as well as any approved accommodations or concessions.
  • Inform us of any changes to your personal information no later than 31 May 2024. Impaq cannot be held liable for any incorrect allocation(s) or costs incurred for travelling and accommodation with regards to examination centres.
  • All costs for the registration and administration of the NSC final examination for candidates within the borders of South Africa are included in the registration fee. However, additional costs may apply for Visual Arts, Dramatic Arts, Hospitality Studies, Consumer Studies, and approved accommodations/concessions.
  • Candidates residing abroad will be required to write the NSC examination in South Africa. A physical address within South Africa must be provided for the candidate in order to allow for centre allocation.
  • When you complete the examination successfully, you can collect your National Senior Certificate in person or via courier from Impaq’s head office. Certificates are usually available from August of the year following your final examinations. We will inform you once the certificates are available.

How do I apply for accommodations and exemptions?

  • If you experience barriers to learning, you may apply for special accommodations and/or exemptions with Impaq, provided that the necessary proof is submitted.
  • Applications are subject to a fee and approval by SACAI.
  • Requests must be submitted to by 01 May 2024.
  • Please note: Impaq will not accept new applications for accommodations and/or exemptions submitted for the first time in Grade 12.
  • We can’t wait to have you join the Impaq family! If you have any questions, please give us a call on 087 405 2233 or send an email to

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