Impaq Online School: Grades 10 to 12

Enrolment and Subject Information

We can’t wait to be part of your online learning journey! Before registering with the Impaq Online School, please take note of the following important information:
  • The content of this document only applies to learners registered with the Impaq Online School (Option 2).
  • For subjects offered at the Impaq Online School, all assessment services (including invigilation during tests and exams, as well as the assessment of PATs and orals) are included. We use The Invigilator app during formal assessments.
  • Test and examination rules and regulations, including the irregularity process, are shared with learners throughout the year. Should a learner deviate from these regulations, the learner will receive a zero mark. No consultation will be granted during the investigation, and the Impaq Irregularity Committee's decision is final.  
  • Click here to read more about load shedding and the Impaq Online School.
Learners who wish to complete their NSC must be registered with an assessment body overseen by Umalusi. Umalusi is the council for quality assurance in general and further education and training. Umalusi accredits private providers of education and training, as well as private assessment bodies which offer tuition and/or assessment for qualifications. As such, three central assessment bodies are overseen by Umalusi: The Department of Basic Education (DBE), the Independent Examination Board (IEB), and SACAI (South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute). Public schools are mainly registered with the DBE, and independent schools are predominantly registered with the IEB. The Impaq Online School is registered with SACAI.

Candidates who successfully complete their Grade 12 year with the Impaq Online School and comply with the relevant assessments and other related requirements, will receive the National Senior Certificate from Umalusi. When registering with the Impaq Online School for Grade 12, the candidate is considered a part-time candidate and is registered as such with the assessment body.

If the PAT component of a subject with practical components is not completed, learners will not receive their final results. The PAT components account for 25% of the final year mark.

You will need the following:

Laptop or PC with a stable internet connection.
Colour printer or access to printing facilities.
South African ID, study permit, or passport.
*Please take note of the device and software specifications that you will need. If you register after the start of the first term, you will need a valid report card from the previous educational institution.

With which assessment body will I be registered?

All Grade 10 to 12 learners are registered with the South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute (SACAI), the assessment body for distance education. SACAI is quality assured by Umalusi, who issues the National Senior Certificate (NSC) to all learners who successfully complete their high school careers. Even though the DBE and IEB are both assessment bodies that are accredited by Umalusi, SACAI does not always follow the same calendar or make the same changes to the curriculum. Registration with the Impaq Online School and SACAI means that you are enrolling for distance education.

Can I register with the Impaq Online School if I did not previously follow the CAPS curriculum?

  • Yes, it is possible to register with the Impaq Online School if you did not previously follow the CAPS curriculum. However, if you are registering for Grade 11, you may need to write an entrance examination or provide Impaq with a certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), confirming the equivalency of the report from the previous institution.
  • Grade 12 applications will only be considered if the learner meets the necessary requirements. Alternatively, the learner may be required to register for Grade 11 (and must complete the entrance exam).
  • The application remains subject to approval by Impaq and SACAI.

How do I apply for accommodations and/or exemptions?

  • Learners experiencing barriers to learning may apply for special accommodations and/or exemptions with Impaq, provided that the necessary proof is submitted.
  • Applications are subject to approval by SACAI.
  • An administration fee is charged for handling the application.
  • Supporting documentation, which may include, but is not limited to, a medical report, a report from an education psychologist, specialised tests related to the learning barrier, and more, will be required to be submitted along with the application.
  • Requests must be submitted to no later than the deadline as stipulated on the Impaq calendar. No applications will be considered after this date.
  • Please note: Impaq will not accept new applications for accommodations and/or exemptions submitted for the first time in Grade 12, as these will not be approved by SACAI.
Please note: Impaq will not accept new applications for accommodations and/or exemptions submitted for the first time in Grade 12, as these will not be approved by SACAI.

Compulsory subjects in the FET Phase 

The Impaq Online School’s products and services are aligned with the national curriculum (CAPS). Please take note of the subject requirements as set out below for successfully completing the FET Phase and qualifying for the National Senior Certificate (NSC), as well as requirements for specific subjects.

FET Phase learners have four compulsory subjects, including Life Orientation, one Home Language, one First Additional Language, and either Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy. Learners must then choose at least three elective subjects.

Lesson material and the language of instruction for these subjects can be selected as either English or Afrikaans. Some subjects are, however, available only in English. These are indicated in the sections below.

The Impaq Online School does not currently offer any subjects not listed here.


  • Hospitality Studies cannot be taken with Consumer Studies.
  • Mathematics is compulsory with Physical Sciences. We also recommend that Mathematics is taken with Accounting, Engineering Graphics and Design, Information Technology, or Life Sciences.
  • Consumer Studies cannot be taken with Information Technology.
  • Geography cannot be taken with Visual Arts.
  • History cannot be taken with Economics.
  • Hospitality Studies cannot be taken with Information Technology.
  • Tourism cannot be taken with Accounting

Language subjects


  • English Home Language
  • Afrikaans Home Language
  • English First Additional Language
  • Afrikaans First Additional Language
  • isiZulu First Additional Language

Please note:

  • It is compulsory to take at least one Home Language and one First Additional Language.
  • The same language may not be taken as a Home Language/ First Additional Language.
  • The language of instruction must be the same for all subjects taken through the Impaq Online School.

1.1 Home languages

Home languages focus on reinforcing the learner’s cognitive academic skills and learning to use language effectively to develop literary, imaginative, and communication skills. This will enable the learner to describe, recreate and understand his/her world by figurative meaning. It includes:
  • Listening and speaking: Specific information, critical analysis and evaluation, appreciation and interaction.
  • Speaking includes the oral tasks for the year.
  • Reading and viewing: Interaction with visual texts, vocabulary development, sentence construction, organisation of texts, literary texts and understanding.
  • Writing and presenting: Planning, writing a concept, reviewing, proofreading and presenting.
  • Language structures and conventions.

1.2 First additional languages (Afrikaans, English and isiZulu)

The objective of first additional languages is to facilitate communication skills. The learner is taught to be comfortable with the language as a medium of instruction and learning, to understand it, and to use it effectively and appropriately in the world around them. It includes:

  • Listening and speaking
  • Reading and viewing
  • Writing and presenting
  • Language structures and conventions

2. Life orientation

Life Orientation (LIO) is a compulsory subject for all Grade 10, 11 and 12 learners.

This subject guides and prepares learners for life and its possibilities and enables them to live meaningfully and successfully in a rapidly changing and transforming society. Life Orientation also guides learners in making informed decisions about their health, environment, subject choices, further studies, and careers.

Learning areas include:

  • Development of the self in society
  • Social and environmental responsibilities
  • Democracy and human rights
  • Careers and career choices
  • Study skills
  • Physical education

3. Mathematics

Mathematics is a compulsory subject for South African learners in the FET Phase. Learners may choose between Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy. Learners may not register for Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy – they must select one or the other. We strongly recommend that this selection is made based on your learner’s chosen career path. Certain tertiary courses require Mathematics rather than Mathematical Literacy. However, Mathematical Literacy will equip learners with the skills to solve real-world problems and equip them with the ability to interpret and critically analyse everyday situations.

3.1 Mathematical Literacy

Mathematical Literacy (MAL) concerns commonplace problems such as budgeting and interest calculations. In short, it is an ‘everyday’ kind of Mathematics. It creates an opportunity for the learner to analyse problems, devise methods to work mathematically and develop mathematical content and context competency to solve problems mathematically. Mathematical Literacy is a subject aimed at developing practical mathematical skills for real-life situations.


  • The use of elementary mathematical content.
  • Original true-to-life context of Mathematics.
  • Solutions to familiar and unfamiliar problems.
  • Decision-making and communication.
  • The use of integrated content and/or skills to solve problems.
  • The focus is on how to approach the problem and how to solve it.


  • Numbers and calculations with numbers
  • Patterns, relationships and representations
  • Finances
  • Measurements
  • Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world
  • Data handling
  • Probability


A non-programmable scientific calculator.

3.2 Mathematics (sometimes referred to as pure maths)

Mathematics is the study of numbers and shapes and the relationships between them. It is a language that attempts to describe the world in abstract terms that can be modified and, therefore, often simplified in this language. Mathematics forms the basis for most scientific degrees and is fundamental to most commercial degrees. It is one of the most challenging subjects, and learners who perform well in Mathematics show evidence of hard work and insight into critical thinking and problem-solving.


  • Algebra
  • Functions and graphs
  • Calculus (Grade 12 only)
  • Number patterns
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Probability
  • Statistics
  • Analytical geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Euclidean geometry
  • Measurement


  • A non-programmable scientific calculator.
  • Recommended: Casio fx-991ZA Plus or Casio fx-991ES Plus.

4. Elective subjects (choose at least three)

4.1 Accounting (ACC)

Accounting is concerned with the completion of source documents for sole proprietors up to the completion of financial statements of small businesses, partnerships, public companies, and manufacturing companies. Complete accounting records are completed from Grades 8 to 12. It is highly recommended that learners take Mathematics with Accounting.


  • Financial accounting
  • Management accounting
  • Internal auditing and control
Please note: 
  • Accounting cannot be taken with Tourism.
  • It is recommended that Mathematics is taken with Accounting, but not compulsory.


A non-programmable scientific calculator.

4.2 Business Studies (BUS)

Business Studies builds on the basic skills and concepts that are taught as part of Economic and Management Sciences in Grades 8 and 9. It is a very practical subject and relates directly to the real business world and current affairs. Learners are expected to read newspapers, watch the news, and carry out practical work such as analysing articles and case studies, running entrepreneurial businesses, compiling their own CVs, practising their interviewing skills, studying the art of marketing, and learning more about the practical components surrounding production.


  • Business environments
  • Business ventures
  • Business roles
  • Business operations

4.3 Physical Sciences (PHS)

Physical Sciences investigate physical and chemical phenomena. They do this through scientific inquiry and the application of scientific models, theories, and laws to explain and predict events in the physical environment.


  • Mechanics
  • Waves, sound and light
  • Electricity and magnetism
  • Matter and materials (Physics focus)
  • Matter and materials
  • Chemical systems
  • Electricity and magnetism
  • Chemical change
A scientific calculator is compulsory.


Practical activities are an integral part of Physical Sciences. The practical work is integrated with the theory and strengthens the concepts of teaching. Practical work may take the form of simple, practical demonstrations or an experiment or practical investigation that can be done with household appliances and chemicals where possible; however, experiments can only be done with scientific apparatus and chemicals, which might result in additional costs.

Please note: It is compulsory to take Mathematics with Physical Sciences.

4.4 Visual Arts (VIA)

Visual Arts refers to a broad field of creative practices that involve the hand, the eye, the intellect, and the imagination in conceptualising and crafting two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks that reflect the aesthetic, conceptual and expressive thinking of individuals or groups. Visual Arts offer learners a way to meaningfully engage with and respond to their world. It provides opportunities to stimulate and develop learners’ intellect, engaging their creative imagination through visual and tactile experiences and the innovative use of materials and technology in realising their ideas.

The above provides the basis for learners to develop an individual visual language and line, which is informed and shaped by immersion in the visual culture of the past and present. Learners acquire the capacity to make practical and aesthetic decisions in the development of a coherent body of work and become actively involved in shaping physical, social and cultural environments.

Learners must only choose this subject if they have a love for drawing, painting and creating and have some degree of technical ability and talent. This is a practical subject that may involve additional costs.


  • Conceptualising through development and realisation of creative ideas.
  • Making creative artworks, managing the process and presenting them with safe practices.
  • Emphasising visual literacy.

Please note: Visual Arts cannot be taken with Geography.

4.5 Geography (GEG)

Geography is the science that involves the study of human and physical environments, as well as spatial patterns on Earth, in an integrated way. Through Geography, we can better understand the complex world we live in. In Human Geography, we investigate the activities and impact of people on Earth. In Physical Geography, we examine natural processes and features, including the atmosphere, landforms, and ecosystems. Geographical concepts are unified by geographical skills and techniques and examine topographic maps, aerial photos, orthophoto maps, GIS and synoptic weather maps.


  • Human geography – activities and the impact of humans on the earth.
  • Physical geography – natural processes and features.
  • Mapwork – geographical skills and techniques.


  • Place
  • Spatial processes
  • Spatial and distribution patterns
  • Human and environmental interaction


  • A non-programmable scientific calculator.
  • Mathematical instruments, e.g. The Helix Oxford Set of Mathematical Instruments.
  • A world atlas.
Please note: Geography cannot be taken with Visual Arts.

4.6 Information Technology (IT)

Information Technology is the study of various interrelated physical and non-physical technologies used in the capturing of data, the processing of data into useful information, and the management, presentation, and dissemination of data. Information Technology studies the activities that deal with the solution of problems through logical and computational thinking. It includes the physical and non-physical components for the electronic transmission, access, and manipulation of data and information.

All aspects of programming in Delphi are covered, as well as the development of databases.


  • Solution development
  • System technologies
  • Communication technologies
  • Internet technology
  • Data and information management
  • Social implications


Learners will require constant access to a computer due to the fact that a major part of Information Technology comprises programming, and learners will spend a considerable amount of time working on a computer. Internet access is required.

Please refer to the device and software requirements for more information.

Please note:

  • Information Technology is available only in English.
  • It is highly recommended that learners take Mathematics with Information Technology, but not compulsory.


As per the above specifications, Delphi 12 (the programming language used by Grade 10, 11, and 12 learners) is required. Previous programming languages have been removed from the CAPS curriculum. The Delphi licences will only be available to registered Impaq learners, but the licences need to be renewed annually. Please send an email to for more information.

4.7 Economics (ECO)

Economics is the study of how individuals, businesses, governments, and other organisations within our society choose to use scarce resources to satisfy their numerous needs and wants in a manner that is efficient, equitable, and sustainable.


  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Economic pursuits
  • Contemporary economic issues
Please note: Economics cannot be taken with History.

4.8 Engineering Graphics and Design (EGD)

Engineering Graphics and Design teaches internationally acknowledged principles that have both academic and technical applications. The emphasis in EGD is on teaching specific basic concepts, as well as various drawing techniques and skills so that EGD learners will be able to interpret and produce drawings within the contexts of mechanical technology, civil technology and electrical technology.


  • Drawing principles
  • Free-hand drawings
  • Setting up of a drawing sheet
  • Geometrical construction
  • Scales
  • Orthographic projections
  • Descriptive geometry
  • Solid geometry
  • Mechanical drawings
  • Civil drawings
  • Isometric drawings
  • Perspective drawings
  • Interpenetration and development Interpretation
  • Loci of a helix, cams and mechanisms
  • The design process
  • Computer-assisted drawings (CAD) (optional)


  • A3 drawing board with T-square
  • 0.3 or 0.5 clutch pencil (pacer) with 2H lead
  • Eraser (soft and white)
  • Ruler
  • 30˚60˚ Set square (NB: NOT A MATH SET’S SET SQUARE)
  • 45˚ Set square (NB: NOT A MATH SET’S SET SQUARE)
  • Drawing compass with an adjustment wheel (NB: NOT A MATH SET’S COMPASS)
  • Circle stencil
  • French curves OR flexi curve/ruler
  • Small protractor
  • Calculator
  • A3 drawing sheets for all PAT drawings
  • CAD software and CAD 2D course (Only optional CAD drawings with the PAT)
  • Free CAD programs include: Solid Edge (

Please note:

  • It is highly recommended to take Mathematics with EGD.
  • All equipment and CAD software (optional) must be purchased at the client’s own cost and is not supplied by the Impaq Online School.
  • For Grade 10 EGD: Note that you will need a stable internet connection to access the subject content. The PDF document will be downloadable for learners, but the videos require internet access.
  • It is recommended that Mathematics is taken with EGD, but not compulsory.

4.9 Tourism (TOU)

Tourism is the study of the activities, services, and industries that deliver a travel experience to groups or individuals. It is the study of tourists’ expectations and behaviours and the economic, social, and environmental impact of tourism on South Africa.


  • The tourism sector
  • Mapwork and tour planning
  • Tourist attractions
  • Sustainable and responsible tourism
  • Domestic, regional and international tourism
  • Culture and heritage tourism
  • Foreign exchange
  • Communication and customer care
  • Marketing


Please note: Tourism cannot be taken with Accounting.

4.10 History (HIS)

History is the study of how societies change and develop over time. By understanding the past, we can better understand the present and how it came to be. This can help us to make better decisions about the future. History is a disciplined way of thinking about the past. It involves gathering evidence, evaluating sources, and making reasoned arguments. This process can help us to understand complex events and to see the bigger picture. History is about understanding the causes and consequences of events, and how they have shaped the world we live in today.

Assessments focus on historical enquiry, done through source analysis.

Please note: History cannot be taken with Economics.

4.11 Computer Applications Technology (CAT)

Computer Applications Technology (CAT) is the study of the integrated components of a computer system (hardware and software), and practical techniques for their efficient use and application to solve everyday problems. The solutions to problems are designed, managed and processed via end-user applications, and communicated using appropriate information and communication technologies (ICTs). ICTs are the combination of networks, hardware, and software, as well as the means of communication, collaboration, and engagement that enable the processing, management, and exchange of data, information, and knowledge.

For the 2025 academic year, this subject will only be available in English for Grades 10 and 11. Grade 12 learners may still choose to take this subject in Afrikaans.


  • Solution development
  • Systems technologies
  • Internet technologies
  • Network technologies
  • Information management
  • Social implications

Learners will require constant access to a computer due to the fact that a major part of Information Technology comprises programming, and learners will spend a considerable amount of time working on a computer. Internet access is required. Please refer to the minimum device and software specifications for this subject.

4.12 Consumer Studies (CSS)

Consumer Studies teaches learners about responsible and informed consumer behaviour with respect to food, clothing, housing, furnishings, and household equipment. Consumer Studies aims to teach learners how to make informed decisions and how to make optimal use of resources to improve human wellbeing. In the practical component of the subject, learners have an opportunity to produce and market different products.


  • The consumer
  • Food and nutrition
  • Design elements and principles
  • Fibres and fabrics
  • Clothing
  • Housing
  • Entrepreneurship


Please note that the following applies to school kitchens, but home-educated learners can adapt it to a smaller kitchen, e.g. a home kitchen with basic apparatus.

Training kitchen:

  • Required clothing for a chef.
  • Six stoves to accommodate 24 learners (four learners per stove).
  • Built-in double sinks.
  • Cupboards or open shelves.
  • Hot and cold water supply at the sinks.
  • Electricity supply to the stoves, and wall plugs at each workstation for electrical equipment.
  • Supply of electricity must be sufficient for all stoves and other electrical equipment to operate simultaneously.
  • A storeroom for ingredients and a storeroom for equipment.
  • A walk-in fridge or cold room.
  • Basic apparatus for the measuring, preparation, and cooking of ingredients.

Please note:

  • Practical assessments for this subject involve additional costs for equipment and/or ingredients.
  • Consumer Studies and Hospitality Studies may not be taken together. Learners must select one or the other.
  • Hospitality Studies cannot be taken with Information Technology.
  • You will only receive a chef’s uniform in Grade 10. Uniforms may also be purchased via Optimi Plus.

4.13 Hospitality Studies (HOS)

Hospitality Studies covers theoretical and operational aspects of food and beverage preparation and service, incorporating the principles of safety, hygiene, client service, and environmental awareness. Learners will study how to produce and present a range of different meals, prepare venues and set tables for different types of functions, and perform the correct service and clearing techniques for food and beverages. It provides learners with an understanding of the various sectors and diverse contexts that comprise the hospitality industry.

Hospitality Studies will give learners the skills and knowledge, as well as teach them about the attitudes and values, that are related to real-world situations within the food and beverage industry. The integrated competencies that are covered in this subject will enhance the quality of life of the learners and others by providing the necessary resources for successful operation in the hospitality field, including small, medium, and micro enterprises (SMMEs), and community-based operations.


  • Hospitality sectors and careers
  • Kitchen and restaurant operations
  • Nutrition, menu planning and costing
  • Food commodities
  • Food and beverage service
  • Hygiene, safety and security


Please note that the following applies to school kitchens, but home-educated learners can adapt it to a smaller kitchen, e.g. a home kitchen with basic apparatus.

Training kitchen:

  • Required clothing for a chef.
  • Six stoves to accommodate 24 learners (four learners per stove).
  • Built-in double sinks.
  • Cupboards or open shelves.
  • Hot and cold water supply at the sinks.
  • Electricity supply to the stoves, and wall plugs at each workstation for electrical equipment.
  • Supply of electricity must be sufficient for all stoves and other electrical equipment to operate simultaneously.
  • A storeroom for ingredients and a storeroom for equipment.
  • A walk-in fridge or cold room.

Dining area – preferably leading off the kitchen:

  • Required clothing for waiters.
  • The location of the food service training facility should have public access.
  • Issues such as signage, parking, lighting for night access and security should also be considered.
  • Toilet facilities for guests are compulsory.
  • An office is suggested, leading off the kitchen, with a telephone (orders) and a computer and printer for menus:
  • Burglar proofing at all the windows and doors of the kitchen, or an alarm system.

Please note:

  • Practical assessments for this subject involve additional costs for equipment and/or ingredients.
  • Consumer Studies and Hospitality Studies may not be taken together. Learners must select one or the other.
  • Consumer Studies cannot be taken with Information Technology.
  • You will only receive a chef’s uniform in Grade 10. Uniforms may also be purchased via Optimi Plus.

4.14 Life Sciences (LIS)

Life Sciences is the scientific study of living things from the molecular level to their interactions with one another and their environments. To be accepted as a science, it is necessary to use certain methods for broadening existing knowledge or discovering new information. These methods must lend themselves to replication and a systematic approach to scientific inquiry and must include formulating hypotheses and carrying out investigations and experiments as objectively as possible to test these hypotheses. Repeated investigations are carried out and adapted. The methods and results are analysed, evaluated, and debated before the community of scientists accepts them as valid.

The three primary reasons for taking Life Sciences are to provide useful knowledge and skills that are needed in everyday life, to expose learners to the scope of biological studies to stimulate interest in – and create awareness of – possible specialisations, and to provide sufficient background for further studies in one or more of the biological sub-disciplines.


  • Life at the molecular, cellular and tissue level.
  • Life processes in plants and animals.
  • Environmental studies.
  • Diversity, change and continuity.
Please note: It is recommended that Mathematics is taken with Life Sciences, but not compulsory.

5. Subjects that are taken through another institution

We do not facilitate any arrangements or fees for subjects not taken through the Impaq Online School. You must ensure that the institution selected follows the CAPS curriculum. You must also make the necessary arrangements with SACAI. We do not recommend that learners register with more than one examination board as it might result in clashes in the examination timetable. If this should happen, the learner will be unable to write certain question papers.

6. Will I be able to change subjects? 

You need a minimum of seven (7) subjects to successfully pass Grades 10, 11 and 12 (the FET Phase). When changing a subject, you are cancelling a subject that you have already registered for and, therefore, need to register a new subject in its place. In the FET Phase, subject changes are dependent on statutory regulations and approval from the assessment body, SACAI. Changing the language medium for a subject still constitutes a subject change as the lesson material (where applicable), online platform and assessments must be amended and changed to the newly chosen language medium. All terms related to subject changes apply to language medium changes. The Cancellation and Returns policy applies.

If you do not register a new subject, the learner may not meet the pass requirements to successfully complete their academic year.

Please take careful note of subjects not offered by the Impaq Online School, (as well as subject restrictions), as changes to such subjects cannot be accommodated. Refer to the Impaq Online School Calendar available on OLP for the subject change deadlines per Grade.

7. What should I know before considering a subject change? 

Familiarise yourself with the requirements for each subject before considering a subject change. For a subject change not to affect your SBA mark, you must have complied with all requirements of the subject that is being cancelled before the change can be made. This means that even though you are changing the subject, you still need to complete all tests and exams for the relevant term. Failing to do so will result in a zero mark on the learner’s report card, negatively affecting the new subject that you are registering for. Learners would not be required to complete any assessments from previous terms for the new subject but must complete all assessments from the term that the new subject is registered for.

Learners often mistakenly think they will be able to ”downgrade’ a subject. Within the CAPS curriculum, there are no downgrades. Examples of common misconceptions include the subjects shown in the table below. A change from any subject on the left to the corresponding subject on the right is considered a subject change as these are all unique subjects and not downgrades of a single subject:



Afrikaans Huistaal
Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal
English First Additional Language
English Home Language
Mathematical Literacy
Consumer Studies
Hospitality Studies

Please keep the following in mind:

  • Grade 10 & 11: Only two (2) subject changes are allowed per year.
  • Grade 12: In exceptional circumstances, a learner may change one (1) subject in Grade 12.
  • Where one subject is dependent on another, it would be necessary to change both subjects. For example: If a learner wishes to cancel Mathematics, the learner will need to cancel Physical Sciences as well.
  • We strongly advise against changing from Mathematical Literacy to Mathematics.
  • It is the learner’s responsibility to upskill themselves on any content missed from previous terms (or years), as the final Grade 12 examination covers all Grade 10 to 12 work for a particular subject.

8. How will a subject change affect the marks on my report card?

Grade 10 learners will be able to apply for subject changes on or before the Term 1 and Term 2 subject change deadlines, respectively, and Grade 11 learners can apply on or before the Term 1 subject change deadline. The subject change deadlines are available on the Impaq calendar. A 999 (weight withdrawn – therefore, no negative effect to the learner’s assessment report) will be applied to all first term tests as well as second term examinations, subject to the following conditions:
  • If the learner cancels a subject(s) on or before the first term deadline, the learner must still have completed the Term 1 test(s). If the learner cancels a subject(s) on or before the second term deadline, the learner must still complete all Term 1 tests, as well as Term 2 tests and exams (only applicable to Grade 10).
  • If the learner does not complete the relevant tests and/or examinations, the learner will receive a zero (0) mark, which will have a negative impact on the learner’s report card and the newly registered subject’s final mark.
  • The mark achieved for the Term 1 and 2 tests and exams (where applicable) will not have a negative effect on the learner’s final mark for the year.
  • If the learner cancels a subject(s) on or before the first term deadline, the learner must still have completed the Term 1 test(s). If the learner cancels a subject(s) on or before the second term deadline, the learner must still complete all Term 1 tests, as well as Term 2 tests and exams (only applicable to Grade 10).
  • If the learner does not complete the relevant tests and/or examinations, the learner will receive a zero (0) mark, which will have a negative impact on the learner’s report card and the newly registered subject’s final mark.
  • The mark achieved for the Term 1 and 2 tests and exams (where applicable) will not have a negative effect on the learner’s final mark for the year.

9. Can I complete more than one grade in one academic year?

No. In the FET Phase, learners are required to successfully complete one Grade before progressing to the next. It is also not possible to progress to the next Grade whilst completing a subject (or subjects) from the previous grade. A complete pass report card is needed to progress in the FET Phase.

10. What do I need to know about the final grade 12 nsc examination?

SACAI, the assessment body for distance education, issues the National Senior Certificate (NSC) and administers the final examination at the end of your Grade 12 year. You will need an identification document/passport/study permit (not a birth certificate) to write the NSC examination.

Please ensure that your full name, ID number, date of birth, and residential address are correct and updated on my.Impaq. The GPS coordinates for the candidate’s residential address should correspond with the address provided on the system.

SACAI establishes examination centres, subject to approval by Umalusi. Centre allocation is dependent on a candidate’s residential address, the capacity of the venue, candidates’ subject choices, and any approved accommodations or concessions. Although Impaq assists with allocations as close as possible to the learner’s residential address, depending on the established venues, the learner may still be required to write the final exam out of town.

Inform us of any changes to your personal information no later than 31 May 2025. Impaq cannot be held liable for any incorrect allocation(s) or costs incurred for travelling and accommodation with regard to examination centres.

The registration fee includes all costs for the registration and administration of the NSC final examination for candidates. However, additional costs may apply for Visual Arts, Hospitality Studies, Consumer Studies, and approved accommodations/concessions.

Candidates residing abroad will be required to write the NSC examination in South Africa. To allow for centre allocation, a physical address within South Africa must be provided for the candidate.

When you complete the examination successfully, you can collect your National Senior Certificate in person or via courier from Impaq’s head office. Certificates are usually available from August of the year following your final examinations. We will inform you once the certificates are available.

11. Is there an age restriction for the Impaq Online School?

For Grades 4 to 9, the Impaq Online School cannot accept learners that are more than two years older than the Grade appropriate for their age. The following guidelines will apply:  

Learners should turn at least 10 years old during the year that they are registered for Grade 4 and may not be older than 12 years of age during this academic year. The age restriction will be applied to all of the following Grades/ages. Learners may not be older than 17 years of age during the year that they are registered for Grade 9.  
Learners over the age of 15 (during the year they turn 16) are no longer of compulsory school-going age and may be considered for the FET Phase (Grades 10 to 12).  
Learners wishing to register for a Grade younger than the required age are welcome to contact the Impaq Online School for further consultation. 

There is no age restriction for learners in Grades 10 to 12. However, registration is subject to approval by Impaq and the assessment body, SACAI. A learner must provide a valid (passed) report card for Grade 10 to enrol for Grade 11 and valid (passed) report cards for both Grade 10 and 11 to be enrolled for Grade 12. We encourage prior consultation with the Impaq Online School should the learner be considered over-aged (more than 2 years older than the recommended age for these grades). 

Learners over the age of 21 may consult with Impaq about the options offered by Optimi for the Amended Senior Certificate (ASC). 

 Learners of all ages may register for Impaq Home Education. Terms and conditions apply to Grades 10 to 12. Consultation with Impaq is always encouraged. 
For more FAQs about the Impaq Online School and how it works, please click here.
Alternatively, please send an email to  or send an email to or contact us on 087 405 2233.

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